Tuesday 9 September 2014


Money. Power. Fame. Beauty. What’s that thing that makes your heart skip. What makes you feel like going the extra mile? What gives you that strength to keep moving forward when every other thing is telling you to back down? But preaching the gospel and making sure that people are drawn to the kingdom is our main reason for living. It is the totality of our existence. It the hearth beat of God.
 Heaven rejoices over a soul that repents and comes to Christ. God is more interested in people hearing and living by the Word than any other thing. For faith, salvation, hope and peace come as a result of hearing and hearing of the Word of God. One misconception about ‘preaching the gospel’ has always been that people think that it is only behind the pulpit that is the only place one can preach the gospel. THAT IS A WRONG perspective.
 The pulpit is NOT the only place where the Gospel can be preach from. We can preach via our behaviors, words and even actions. Our lifestyle can be a very big sermon to people out there. Sometimes when you say nothing, you say a lot. Provocation will always come. But the ability to respond, and not react, to such situations tells whether you’re really saying the mind of God.
 In your office, church, home spread the gospel of love. Your words can be half of who you are but your actions reveal ALL about you. You were saved for a reason, and that reason was for you to bring others to the God that gave you salvation. Preach the gospel in your own way. Bring people to Christ. Make God’s heart beat.

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