Sunday 28 September 2014


What if you had all the money you ever wanted, what would you do with it? I'll tell you. You would still want more. So be contented with the little you have. And grow from there.

The ability to be able to control your appetite for money makes you it's master. And until you have mastery over it, you can't make it obey you. It starts with the little you have at the moment. Remember you have the power to reproduce and multiply. Use that power. 

Money is not the problem at times. It's the ability to control it and to be in charge of it that matters. The truth is you will never have enough. No one can.

Money is meant to serve you. Not the other way round. You are the boss of money. Rule and take charge over it. 

Money answers to those who call and command it. When you give your offerings in church, what do you say to it before you drop it in the offering box? What actually is your attitude towards giving? Do u do it with a heart of gratitude or do you do it with a heart of regrets. You must know this. There is a spirit that controls everything on earth. There is a spirit behind money. 

Money is not meant to control the user. Money is not suppose to be kept idle. It's suppose to be wisely spent. And please know this: your money is suppose to answer, not only to your needs, but to the needs of others. Be a blessing to others via your money n gifts. 

Money will answer to you today and always. You will control it. It won't control you. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!  

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