Monday 25 August 2014


Your life CAN NOT be a wasted investment. God is a Master Planner. He has not yet given up on you. He still has so many unused resources laid up inside of you that MUST show forth.

He loves you like crazy. He wishes above ALL THINGS that you prosper and be in health just as your soul prospers. He knows the number of hair on your head. He knows the total number of blood cells in your body. He knows how many steps you've ever taken in you life. He has the plan of every location you've ever taken and will ever take in your life. He knows how many words you've ever spoken in your entire life. He knows ALL your thoughts; past, present and future. He knows you even more than you know yourself.

So, if the Almighty God, the one that owns EVERYTHING is this detailed about you, why do you think He can forget you? Why do you think He can't turn that man's heart around to favor you? Why doubt His ability to create a space for you to be lifted in that company? Why contemplate whether you'll die barren or without a male or female child? Why believe the doctor's report when the answer lies in His own report? Why cry over the broken relationship when someone is out there, praying your paths cross. Why? God is so mindful of you. He loves you like crazy. His love is so way above human understanding.

2 Samuel 22:31 KJV
[31] "As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him".

God loves you and I. All He wants is for you to trust Him TOTALLY, like a fool. Depending on Him for your every step, thought, action and response. Then watch Him bring you to a place of rest where both your soul n body won't lack. Psalm 37:3 KJV. [3] "Trust in the Lord , and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed".

As you put your trust in God today and always, He will direct your steps and light your path. And you will never be stranded in life. God bless you real good. Do have a wonderful day. Remain blessed and be a blessing. 

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