Sunday 24 August 2014


If you woke up this morning feeling down, give thanks to God.
If you had the worst nightmare and it felt so real, give thanks to God.
If you had a broken relationship, give thanks to God.
If your marriage is falling apart, give thanks to God.
If you were kicked out of your home because you couldn't pay the bills, give thanks to God.
If you just lost a friend and you just can't stand the pain, give thanks to God.
If you are in a situation where all you know what to do is nothing, give thanks to God.
If you just lost your job and you have no hope of getting another, give thanks to God.
If you have no idea where the next meal will come from, give thanks to God.
If you think God has abandoned you, give thanks to God.
If you're going through ANYTHING, give thanks to God.

Never let anything stop your praises to God. For the Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you". Troubles are distractions for you NOT to give thanks to God. The devil knows this and he uses it as one of his devices to keep people away from praising God.

God is not unjust to leave or forsake you. He will come through for you. All you need is to give Him thanks. Praise Him in the worst of times. Never allow the devil make you portray an ungrateful attitude towards God. For the single fact that  you are alive, YOU HAVE HOPE! 

A grateful heart is an empty heart and God will fill it until you become a blessing to others. Know this: your position now is somebody's prayer point. So take it NOT for granted. God has never failed before. He WON'T start with you. Do have a lovely Sunday. Remain blessed and be a blessing.

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