Monday 31 December 2012


man kills wife newsrescue
  • NewsRescue- Headlines in Nigerian papers today is the story of a 46-year-old unemployed man, who on October 7, at Agbado in Ogun state of Nigeria was arrested for allegedly killing his wife by throwing her into a pit latrine over a domestic misunderstanding. That’s a raw dudu pit! This is just the latest case in the chronic saga of Nigerians killing their wives at home and abroad. The many spontaneous killings, unlike honor killings which are most rampant in Nations around the world, from Asia to South America, can more accurately be considered as crimes of passion, but some disturbingly are executed with scary premeditation and careful planning.

NewsRescue investigated the trends and distribution of these murders and found some thought and discussion provoking trends.
Pit Latrine: Traditional non water-flushed toilet
Nigeria with a population of 150 million, is Africa’s most populous nation. The country has over 500 ethnic groups, but of these, the three largest and loudest, are the Hausa’s up North, The Yoruba’s in the South west and the Igbo’s in the south east.
Cases of wife murder like the one above are almost exclusively relegated to the southern ethnic groups, with the Igbo’s being culprit in 9 in 10 cases.
What makes this sad habit so common among the Igbo’s has been a topic of hot debate for many years in Nigerian internet fora. Some have attributed the problem to an Igbo culture that places a humongous bride price on women, and after the men cough out fortunes to marry, they tend to regard their spouses as ‘property’, they have bought, hence having a very low tolerance during domestic conflict.
A commentator reacting passionately, said, ‘only people who do not know God will do such’, they have abandoned God, this is why!’
We are unable to test and correlate religion type or the lack of it with crime in general and domestic violence and spousal murder in particular.
John Onwuka in orange prison jumpsuit
In an internet article in 2008, “Nigerian Men Are Killing Their Wives in America now, ” on a popular Nigerian blog, the Linda Ikeji blog, several Nigerians, almost exclusively Igbo were listed, with pictures, for murdering their wives in America.
The names included Kelechi Charles Emeruwa, Theophilus Ojukwu, Johnny Omorogieva, John Onwuka and Michael Collins Iheme. Nigerians reportedly have peculiar names that allow easy, near accurate identification by ethnicity. The men ranged from 40-50 years and the typical story was a man who brought his wife to the United States, she trained as a nurse, made good money, and later either separated or feeling belittled, the man suddenly went to her abode and killed her crudely.
After coming across a shocking article on a Nigerian forum, NigerianVillageSquare, we ran an internet search to see the 2012 rates of wife killings and check for any trends in occurrence.
Without question, the United States has some of the highest results for ‘man kills wife’, several cases every month.
When we narrowed our search to ‘Nigeria man kills wife’, we found several incidences of Nigerian episodes and these still presented with the popular ethnic trend of being almost exclusively relegated to the Igbo south eastern ethnic group.


It's New Year's Eve tonight!!
There are gonna be so many parties, and that usually means a whole lot of drinking.
So, thinking about chugging several Red Bull vodkas so you can power through your party and make it well past midnight??
Maybe that's not such a good idea… the effects of caffeine mixed with alcohol aren't well known and might even be fatal!
With several energy drink companies like 5-Hour Energy and MonsterEnergy coming under fire for possibly contributing to deaths, the last thing we need to do is throw alcohol in the mix!
A physician at Weill-Cornell Medical College said:
"Unintentional caffeine overdoses have resulted in serious illness and rare deaths from caffeine poisoning. Caffeine poisoning has only recently been characterized."
So we are only just recently realizing that caffeine may not be as safe as we once thought.
While it would take about 12 energy drinks consumed within a few hours to be lethal, it's still possible to have serious side effects at lower doses.
Energy drinks also take away the sedative aspect of alcohol, which can make you feel less drunk, leading to excess drinking!
So for your health and for your hangover tomorrow, maybe skip the energy drinks tonight!


An 82-year-old Seventh Day Adventist deacon is bracing for a dose of unwanted attention from his village after he failed to control his penchant for sex and allegedly had intercourse with a donkey.
The detestable incident which left villagers in Filabusi’s Gangabezi village, Zimbabwe shell-shocked transpired sometime last month. According to sources who spoke to our news crew and requested anonymity, it is alleged the sexual predator, Deacon Canaan Ncube (82) was caught pants down while ‘feasting’ on a hapless donkey.
“I strongly believe that it was not his first time to be intimate with the donkey. The way he had positioned himself and the donkey showed traces of experience,” said the source.
The bestiality issue came to light when Sibangani who was heading home from his sojourns allegedly saw Deacon Ncube with a humble animal. When Deacon Ncube realised that his escapades had come in the open, he freed the hapless animal and vanished from the scene, it is alleged. Sibangani then blew the said issue to the whole village.
“The news of Deacon Canaan and his donkey swiftly spread like veld fire. Everyone knows about this issue. It is not even a secret, you can ask anyone,” said the source.
When the senior village headman, Patrick Ndlovu, was reached for comment, he said he was aware of the issue.
“I am aware of this issue. I am waiting for the village head Mechat Masuku and her entourage to deliberate on the issue. They will then report the matter to the police because it is out of my jurisdiction. I do not deal with such cases,” said the senior village head.
Village Head Masuku said she was waiting to hear from the village neighbourhood committee members to give her feedback.
“I left the issue in the hands of village neighbourhood committee members to see to it that they bring down the culprit but up to now nothing has been done. I do not even know why they are taking too long,” she said.
Meanwhile, Adventist church Deacon Ncube said he was aware of the rumours but dismissed the allegations as false statements meant to tarnish his image.
“I am very aware of the whole saga. I heard this issue at the church service last week, but the truth is that I know nothing about it and the neighbourhood constables have not contacted me,” he said.
The alleged incident transpired barely two weeks after two sexual predators in the same area were caught having a three-some with a donkey. The matter came to light after they failed to pay a R100 bribe to a fellow villager who had spotted them taking turns to rape the donkey.


grandmother has been brought back from the dead twice – and has even survived spending three days in a morgue.
The 61-year-old Russian woman has been declared dead twice by doctors, but each time has come back to life – and once was minutes away from being cut open for her autopsy. Hardy Lyudmila Steblitskaya spent 3 days laying in a freezing cold morgue, while her family mourned the retired cook.

Lyudmila Steblitskaya, her daughter Anastasia, and granddaughter Nelli, all had a horrific shock. The mother’s eery habit of returning to life has not only left her family torn between grief and hope that she may come back to life, but perplexed doctors too, The Siberian Times reported.
She has scared both doctors, friends and family once in November last year and in October this year. The initial confusion began last year, when Lyudmila was taken to Tomsk Regional Clinical Hospital and spent days in hospital because she felt unwell.
When her 29-year-old daughter Anastasia, who has a daughter Nelli, nine, called on a Friday evening to ask about her mother’s condition, she was informed by doctors that her mother had died. The devastated woman began planning her mother’s funeral and breaking the bad news to friends and family.
She spent 60,000 roubles (£1,223) buying flowers, a casket, arranging for a grave to be dug, and buying food for the mourners who planned to attend the funeral on the Monday morning, according to the newspaper.
On the Monday, she went to the hospital to collect her mother’s body – only to be told to wait as doctors had not performed an autopsy. She told the newspaper that a startled doctor then approached her and said that her mother was not dead, but was in her bed breathing and alive. Anastasia started arranging the funeral of her mother after being told by doctors that she was dead Anastasia could not believe it when doctors halted an autopsy and discovered her mother was alive.
A disbelieving Anastasia went in to the room to find her mother calling her name, and screamed and dropped her bag.
“My head was so fuzzy that I didn’t even think about getting back into the room, and hugging mum. Or asking her about what happened. Instead I started calling everyone, saying things like ‘Er, sorry. Can you please stop digging the grave. Ah, is it done? OK… well, there won’t be a funeral, my mother is alive’,” she said.
Her mother cannot remember what happened, only that she was in hospital on the Friday and then woke up in a morgue on Monday to discover that her skin was peeling off from the cold. Mostly, she is just grateful to be alive and be able to see her friends and family.
In October 2012, Lyudmila – who has a history of heart problems – had another ‘apparent death’ during a hospital stay but this time doctors brought her back to life after several hours.
On the morgue incident, chief doctor of Tomsk Regional Clinical Hospital Maksim Zayukov, said: “As of now I cannot explain why this mistake happened. This sad procedure has always worked in our hospital like clockwork: the moment of death is always registered by the intensive care doctor. Proper checks are always conducted. This all happens before the family are informed about the death.”
A hospital spokeswoman said: “The checks were carried out and she was dead – or so it seemed. The papers could not have been signed unless this is what the doctors establish. We are still trying to understand what went wrong in Lyudmila’s case”.
Ms Steblitskaya is not the only person to be given a second chance at life.
Earlier this year, mourners in Egypt cheered when the ‘dead’ body they were burying woke up. Hamdi Hafez al-Nubi, a 28-year-old waiter, had been declared dead after suffering a heart attack at work.
His body was being prepared for burial when another doctor, sent to sign his death certificate, discovered he was still warm and managed to revive him. And in April a 95-year-old Chinese woman climbed out of her own coffin six days after she was declared dead following a fall.
Under Chinese tradition, Li Xiufeng was placed in a coffin kept in her house so friends and relatives could pay their respects. But the day before the funeral, neighbours found an empty coffin and later discovered her in the kitchen cooking.


Lovato has been a longtime friend of the Kardashian family. She also happens to work with Kim's baby sis, Khloe, on "The X Factor," so it shouldn't be too hard for Kim and Kanye to hold Demi to that promise.
Demi is hardly their only famous pal sending the soon-to-be-parents some love. Russell Simmons tweeted, "Congrats to Kim and Kanye. Happy for both of them..."
Ryan Seacrest added, "It's true :) @ & @ are having a baby! congrats u guys"
"Kimmie's going to be a mommy!! Sending major love & congrats to @ and @!" Kim's friend, fellow reality TV star La La Vazquez Anthony tweeted. "2013 is starting off with LOVE and BLESSINGS!"
"The Office" star BJ Novak had some other good news for the couple,joking, "Congrats to Keeping Up With The Kardashians on your 18 season renewal."

Kanye announced that he and his lady love were expecting a bundle of joy Sunday night at his show in Atlantic City. It is reported Kim is approximately 12 weeks along, and Yeezy told the crowd at the Revel in AC to "make some noise" for his "baby mama."
For her part, Kim simply instagrammed a photo of her boo on stage with the caption, "Heaven."

The pregnancy was later confirmed by her sister, Khloe, who tweeted, "I'm excited for Kanye and my sister! There's nothing like bringing life into this world! Let's keep Gods blessings coming. "
Her momager, Kris Jenner, also couldn't contain her joy at the prospect of becoming a grandmother for the third time (daughter Kourtney has two children). "Im a happy girl! Wowza," Jenner tweeted. "Oh BABY BABY BABY!!"

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Afghan policewoman kills US aide

An Afghan policewoman has shot and killed a US security adviser in the Kabul police headquarters, NATO and local officials say.
A senior police official told Al Jazeera that the shooting occurred at 10:15am local time (05:45 GMT) on Monday.
From the perspective of one neighbourhood in Herat
The policewoman approached the adviser as he was walking in the heavily guarded police chief's compound in a bustling area of the capital. She then drew a pistol and shot him once, a senior police official told the Reuters news agency.
The woman, a member of the police's gender equality team, is in custody, officials said. Mohammad Daoud Amin, Kabul's deputy police chief, said an investigation is under way to determine whether the killing was intentional or accidental.
Amin said Nargis, a mother of four, had worked with a human rights department of the police for two years and had earlier been a refugee in Pakistan and Iran. She could enter the compound armed because as a police officer she was licensed to carry a pistol, he said.
Mohammad Zahir, head of the police criminal investigation department, described the incident as an "insider attack", in which Afghan forces turn their weapons on US-led coalition troops they are supposed to be working with.
If confirmed to be such an attack, the shooting would be the first time that a female member of Afghanistan's security forces has turned her weapon on a member of NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) or a foreign contractor.
In an interview with Al Jazeera, Fahim Dashty, chief editor of the Kabul Weekly, said that the attacks could mean the Taliban's presence within the Afghan security forces may be "much wider and strong".
Afghan police killed
Meanwhile, local officials in Jawzjan province said five Afghan local police were killed in a separate insider attack late on Sunday night at a checkpoint in Qush Tepa district.

Insider attacks have led to the deaths of at least 62 coalition troops and advisers across 47 attacks so far in 2012.

 So far this year 396 members of the coalition have been killed
  15.66 percent of all coalition deaths in 2012 have been due to insider attacks, up from six percent in 2011

Source: International Security Assistance Force;
The attacker then stole his colleague's weapons and fled to join the Taliban, said Faqir Mohammad Jawzjani, the deputy provincial governor.
At least 62 international troops and advisers have been killed in 47 incidents by Afghan soldiers or police this year. NATO forces, due to mostly withdraw from the country by 2014, have speeded up efforts to train and advise Afghan military and police units before the pullout.
"Afghans have borne the brunt of insider attacks, and while the interior ministry does not provide exact statistics on such attacks, the number of Afghan security personnel killed in insider attacks is believed to be at least triple that of the number of foreigners killed," reported Al Jazeera's Jennifer Glasse in Kabul.
"For NATO these insider attacks are of great concern, because the crux of their exit strategy has been training the Afghan security forces and building capacity, but as they withdraw, they rely increasingly on smaller teams, on these contractors [...] to help the Afghans stay on the right track. 
"An attack like this inside police headquarters in the centre of Kabul isn't going to do anything to help those efforts."
NATO says about 25 percent of the attacks are caused by Taliban infiltrators but the rest stem from personal animosities and cultural differences between Western troops and their Afghan allies.
Suspected US SEAL suicide
On Monday, ISAF also confirmed that a coalition soldier had been killed in eastern Afghanistan after an attack by Taliban fighters.
The attack was unrelated to the insider attack in Kabul, a statement said. NATO did not identify the service member or provide their nationality.
Earlier, the US defence department confirmed that the commander of an elite US Navy SEAL unit died in Afghanistan's Uruzgan province on Saturday.
A US military official said on Sunday that the death was being investigated as a suspected suicide, Reuters news agency and US media reported.

Swazi police ban 'rape-provoking' miniskirts

Law does not apply to costumes worn by women during ceremonies where King Mswati III may choose a wife [AFP]
Women in Swaziland risk arrest if they wear miniskirts or tops which expose part of their stomach as they will be violating moral standards, a police spokesperson has said.
"I have read from the social networks that men and even other women have a tendency of 'undressing people with their eyes'"
- Wendy Hleta, police spokesperson
"The act of a rapist is made easy, because it would be easy to remove the half-cloth worn by the women," Wendy Hleta was quoted as saying.
Offenders face a six-month jail term under the ban, which invokes a colonial criminal act dating back to 1889.
The ban also applies to low-rise jeans.
"They will be arrested," she said.
Hleta said women wearing revealing clothing were responsible for assaults or rapes committed against them.
"I have read from the social networks that men and even other women have a tendency of 'undressing people with their eyes'. That becomes easier when the clothes are hugging or are more revealing," Hleta said.
Traditional costumes
However, the ban does not apply to traditional costumes worn by young women during ceremonies like the annual Reed Dance, where the ruling King Mswati III chooses a wife.
The monarch already has 13 wives.
During the ceremony, beaded traditional skirts worn by young bare-breasted virgins cover only the front, leave the back exposed. Underwear is not allowed.
The law was enforced after a march by women and young girls last month calling for protection against a spate of rapes in the impoverished kingdom, almost entirely surrounded by South Africa.
According to a media report, the march was blocked by police.

Funke Akindele's Hubby, Almaroof Welcomes 6th Child From 2nd Wife

Going by report reaching us, Fadekemi, the second wife of Almaroof Oloyede, who is the husband of top Nollywood actress, Funke Akindele, has been delivered of a baby boy.

Aproko247 reported that Fadekemi gave birth to the child some days ago and the father is over excited about the arrival of the new born baby to the family at this festive period. The mother and child were also reported to be in a stable condition.

Earlier in the year, it was reported by a popular Lagos soft-sell magazine, E247 that Almaroof was expecting a sixth child from Fadekemi, who was then reported to have been devastated by the news of her hubby planning to get married to Funke at that time.

She was reportedly advised to leave the country for Dubai or London in order to save herself from the trauma of seeing her husband getting married to another woman while she was still pregnant at that time.

A family source close to Almaroof said that the story is true and confirmed that the child was given birth to around November.

Monday 24 December 2012

5 Teens Drowned In Omambala River, In Anambra

In rather mysterious and unclear circumstances, five teenagers have reportedly drowned this morning in Anambra state.
The children, four boys and a girl went swimming for fun in the Omambala river at Umuezeanam, Anambra west, where they were later allegedly found to have drowned.
Four of the victims who are from the same family including the girl among them, and their friend, had travelled with their parents from Lagos to the village for the Yuletide celebrations when they met their untimely end on Christmas Eve.

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Dbanj's Cash Flow. Download and Watch

Dbanj is here with a new video titled Cash flow. ”CASHFLOW” is the 2nd single to be released through Sony Music’s RCA Africa label and DB Records since D’Banj signed his groundbreaking multi-album deal with Sony Music Entertainment
Download the audio version here
YouTube Preview Image


My new album is entitled Defender. This is the first time I will have a song that is the title of my album. I was thinking of the name to call the album and I have no other better name than Defender and the song happens to be one of my best tracks in the album.
Does the song Defender has anything to do with your present predicament?
Not really. “Defender” is a love song. It is a reggae calypso mixed song. A lovely song. It has nothing to do with my personal life or condition.
Why the song Ota Mi Leyin Mi, who do you think are the enemies behind your back?
Ota Mi Leyin Mi is one of those songs. All of a sudden I discovered that people started avoiding me. You all heard about the fight I had with my former landlord. But I think everything happened for good because I’ve learnt a lot from it. It was a bad experience that I will not forget in a hurry. I was in a hostile environment in the midst of Yoruba people.
I was just caught up with so many ideologies. So, Otami Leyin Mi is for those who claimed they are friends and they are not really friends. Those kinds of friends should get out of my back.
Some people are actually out there and they claim to be your friends while they are not. They need to leave you alone so you can move on with your life.
Since your landlord ejected you, you’ve not really come out to state what actually transpired between both of you. What really happened?
Like I always say, something that happened to someone else, don’t be surprised when it happens to you, that is my major philosophy of life. Because all these Lagos landlords are wicked and I’m just happy that Governor Fashola is stepping in. Now some things have been reduced to a considerable limit.
Then I was living at Lakeview Estate in Festac Town, I had a landlord who always wanted you to pay money and did not want to put anything in place in the house. Basic things in the house were not there and he demanded for money all the time. And I was like, “I can’t be paying while you are not doing anything, so let me use the money to do those things.” But he insisted I pay the money that he’d do it; but after paying, he wouldn’t do anything.
For almost a year, he kept on doing that. Until I was like, “I’m not going to pay you any money again until put those things in place.”
So he went to court behind my back to get an injunction to evict me from the house on the excuse that I refused to pay him his money. Before then, I had already discussed with my lawyer. The landlord got the injunction when I was not in the country. Before I returned into the country, he had done his worst.
Actually there was even a particular song I did with the late MC Loph, I featured him and the Beatmaker. My eviction happened two days after I sang that song. As I was singing I was like, if no be you where I for dey? My landlord for use me play. But see me today, I’ve gat my own house, I’ve gat my private plane. Not knowing that was going to happen. Two days later I was ejected from my house.
After he threw you out of his house, where did you go?
That one was just normal. I’m a street guy so I hit the street back again. From there I inspired myself and found my music again. That was what really happened to me. The street welcomed me and showed me love because I came in from the street. They embraced me. They all know that the downfall of a man is not the end of his life. I was not bothered because I know what I have inside of me. I always put my mind to work. Today, I’m happy. I’m living in a comfortable house even bigger than the one I used to have before. I think everything that happen in life is to teach you a lesson. And when it teaches you, try and learn from it.
What lesson did you learn?
I must confess I have learnt a lot of lessons. That incident gave me the opportunity to know who my real friends are. At times when you have a problem, you’d expect that your so-called friends would come around you and show you some love. And at the end of the day you will found out that the so-called friends would not want to help you because they want you to fall so that people will look down on you. They want you to be covered with shame. That is where they get their joy from. If something of such should happen to them, we’ll be the first to run to their aid. In my own case, the reverse happened.
Who are those friends that you expected that didn’t come around?
I have so many friends. In fact, they are too numerous to mention. My friends know themselves, even you are one of my friends and I didn’t see you around me then.
But you didn’t tell me
How will I tell you when you don’t even ask or care to know what has been happening to me? All of una know una sef (laughter).
Why do you always shun public gathering?
It depends on what you mean by public gathering. I do a lot of going around and I don’t make noise about it. I don’t like going to some places just because people are going there; there has to be something that will make me go. Right now, I have so many things I’m battling with, not just party. I need to get my album into the market. As I speak to you now, I have about 22 tracks and still thinking on the ones to select for the album. So going out to social gatherings is not in my agenda until I get this album done.
You have brought many artistes into the industry and one expect them to pay you back in kind or cash especially during your trials.
As a coach, I teach people how to go about their career. I really don’t expect anybody to come and give me kudos or pay me back. My joy is that I want to see those I have trained succeeding in their careers. Coming back to say thank you is like a disturbance. I trained the Tribunal, not for them to be around me all the time, but to be able to go out there and do their own kind of music. Same with Tuface and Faze. It was a time of learning for all us while we were still together as Plantashun Boys. After everything, we all parted ways and I don’t expect any of them to come back and say, “if it were not for you, we wouldn’t come this far.”
Does that means Tuface and Faze don’t respect you?
I don’t even expect it from them. They are not the first person I have worked with. If not for me the likes of Tony Tetuila wouldn’t have had a music career. He almost gave up when the Remedies pushed him out of the group and I encouraged him to never give up. I carried him along and eventually he made a name for himself. I don’t expect him to come back and tell me thank you.
Why did you allow Plantashun Boys to die?
There was no agreement that we would split but we all knew when we started that the group won’t last. We all used the group as a platform to build our music careers. Plantashun Boys was my idea. The names, Faze and Tuface, was my idea. I gave them those names. But I don’t always dwell on that because that is an old story. Right now, it’s all about my fans, my career and my new album. Then, everybody just wanted to go solo. People just think that there’s a story behind our split but there’s none.
Who was the first to come up with the idea of going solo?
Don’t you know who released his first album when we went solo?
Let’s assume I don’t know
Tuface was the first to release his album and we all know it, even then we were still living together.
How did you feel when he left the group?
How else will I feel when I already knew it would happen? The fact is that when Tuface released his album we never expected him to do so.
We learnt Tuface left because you were too bossy
Then everybody was equal. Nobody was getting more than anybody, it was 50-50. Even Faze who was the last person to join the group was getting equal shares. But the issue is that a captain will always be a captain, if your captain takes a decision and you don’t like, then it is left for you to join another club maybe they will make you a captain over there.
Does that means Tuface left because you always took the final decision?
Not really; in our days as a team there was nothing like that. If anyone has idea, we would put it in on ground and vote. Nobody took the final decision arbitrarily. Even if I’m the captain and two of them agreed on one thing that is what we’d eventually settle for. I can’t change it because I have two votes against one. If at all there was a problem, we would have come to the table to resolve it.
Parting ways was evolutionary; we just needed to split that time. If we didn’t split, you wouldn’t hear Blackface singing “Hard Life” or Tuface singing “No Be Small Thing” and even Faze will not sing “Kolomental.” Nigeria is getting three albums from us. Like now, Faze has dropped his latest album, Tuface has done the same, and very soon I will launch my own album as well. It is a welcome development.
How much did you people realize from your first album as a group?
I can’t really remember oh, but we all shared it equally. Nobody gets more than another for any reason.
I heard you guys were cheating Faze because he is from another tribe?
I don’t know who told you that but all I know is that it was 50-50.
Do you regret the end of Plantashun Boys?
Why will I regret? If the group didn’t split where will I stand today? You wouldn’t have heard of Blackface Naija. I would still be under the shadow of Plantashun Boys. I’m happy the way I am because our break-up really gave me the chance to create my own kind of music that stands out.
During your trials why didn’t Tuface come to your aid?
It is not everybody that will help you in life. Some people’s problems are two-times bigger than yours. It’s a case of big man, big problem. I didn’t feel bad because I didn’t see him around me.
But as your brother, friend and colleague one expectes him to help you out-
Maybe he knew I was going to take care of myself. He knows me as a resilient never say die soldier. I don’t always give up until I reach the cross line. Everything that happened to me was a lesson to me, it’s nobody’s fault and I can’t blame anybody for my downfall. I’m just happy the way God has built my life and career.
You once said that nothing will make you guys work together again, why did you featured Faze in your upcoming album?
Working as a team is different from working with Faze or Tuface alone. Like when I was in Malaysia, Faze sent me a beat that he wanted me to do on the track, I was supposed to write a lyrics on it and do the voicing, but I couldn’t do it till I get back to the country. When I came back, we went to the studio and I did my own part and I left. The mixing of the song is not my business, whether it is sounding well or not, I don’t have any problem to do with that because we are not working as a team.
You talk more about Faze unlike your brother Tuface, why is it so?
Yeah because Faze is just a cool guy, he’s a normal guy without any problem. If I and Tuface have any reason to relate, we relate. See, you don’t hide friendship, if we are friends I don’t need to tell you before you know that. I don’t force myself on people. Like this my guy, Skinny; we met recently and it seems as if we have known each others for years. That is what friendship is all about.
So what is your relationship with Tuface?
We are ex members of Plantashun Boys.
When was the last time you and Tuface communicated?
Omo the communication just dey o. Everybody is on his own but I communicate with Faze often.
Does that mean you are close to Faze than Tuface?
Yes, because I like a kind of people that I can discuss music with. I and Faze often talk about music, rhythm and career development. Faze is more of a person I can discuss that kind of thing with unlike Tuface.
Why is it so?
It’s just natural; you can’t take that away from Faze because he has always being like that. Faze is a cool guy and Tuface too. We are all just there. Na on your own level we dey.
The song, African Queen has generated a lot of controversy, who is the rightful owner of the song?
I know the song has generated a whole lot of revenue. Right now, I and Tuface have joint ownership of that song. But from the inception it was not like that. My publisher, BMI had to find a way to work that out. All the funds the song has been generating I’m supposed to have 50 per cent of it, which I’m not getting and I don’t just know what is happening. I’m still trying to find out what is happening. There is even a situation whereby somebody in Jamaica sang African Queen and some other persons like that of which I was not aware. Nobody told me that he was going to sing my song. So, there are some issues that I and Tuface need to sit down and iron out, but Tuface is difficult to get on the table. So I have decided to do it on my own. Surely, with time we’ll get to the root of the matter because we both have 50 per cent right to the song.
That means Tuface has been cheating you
Yes, because I was not being paid and you know the way it is in Nigeria, the ideology is that because one is not on one particular record label they won’t put his name to a song he wrote just because they don’t want to promote the person. But the fact is that your intellectual property remains you intellectual property, nobody can take that away from you.
But you sang your own version of the song
Yes, I have a reggae version of African Queen, which I’m still going to re-record. I did that because there was a time some people were trying to claim ownership of the song.
Did you ask him to include the song in his album?
Yes, we wrote it together and I gave him permission to do so because when he was recording his album we were still living in the same apartment. I found out that the album was not making any sense, so I told him that the only thing that will allow the album to make sense is to include the song African Queen which we both wrote. But I didn’t say he should take away my own right. That is the rider. For the fact that I wrote a song for you to perform does not mean you should claim it and deprive me of my own right.
Who came up with the idea of the song?
It was actually one Idoma man called Willy Walkman. He told us to do a song for his soap opera and the title of the soap opera was African Queen that we should write a theme song for the soap. We started writing in earnest. Then one day he just came and was like, we are not serious about it that he didn’t want to be our manager again not knowing that we were already doing what he asked us to do. That was how he threw us out. So African Queen was Willy’s idea.
People just know you as a Benue boy, where exactly are you from?
I’m from Ogwule in Agatu Local Government Area of Benue State.
What of your two kids, how are they doing?
They are fine, growing quick and doing very well, they are with their mum.
Why did your wife abandon you?
Nothing really happened. The fact is just that when a man is going through tribulations, not every woman will stand by him. But it’s all good, I’m just trying to start my life all over again.
Is there any plan of taking her back?
We’ve not even discussed that yet. My priority now is me and my career. Now that I don’t have any family I think it is it time to pick myself up and start all over again. I have a studio in my house; I work day in, day out, because I really want to get back to my fans. So until I feel that I’m ok then I will give that a second thought.
Does that mean your wife “took a walk” because you could no longer fend for the family?
Maybe that is what she felt; I can’t question her decision. I don’t know what was on her mind. That is why you need to see her and ask her. Because, myself, I cannot explain.
How often do you people communicate?
Once in a while.
What about your kids?
We talk always because they have their own phones. Caroline is 7 and Alex is going to be 5 very soon. My daughter is going to be a singer too.
What is your favourable mistake?
It was a rap competition at Mt. St. Gabriel in Alaede. I was rapping LL Cool J; that rap has four verses; after rapping verse one instead of me to rap the second verse, I jumped to verse three. By the time I finished the third verse, I started it again, then I paused and started thinking aloud ‘shebi I don do this verse before’ that was how I said bull s**t and I dropped the mic and left the stage.
They don’t know you much in your home town, why is it so?
Maybe because I hardly spend time at home. My major focus is just to get my music out and kick off with my Blackface Naija Foundation back in my state. I think it is time to give back to the society now. My foundation is going to help the less privileged by creating free scholarship, free medical care and a whole lot of things.
What is your take on the music industry?
It is crazy that everybody is sounding the same. It is so sad that everybody is using one kind of rhythm or progression. Some people think I can’t blend but the fact here is that I always tried to carve a niche for myself.
That won’t make me change my style.
Your Malaysian story, how did it happen?
My trip to Malaysia was one of the most daring trips. Then I was planning to release my album and some guys came and approached me that they wanted to take me to Malaysia so I could do my recording over there and I accepted.
When I got there I started doing the recording but in the long run, I was like, what am I doing in Asia where they don’t play my music on the radio? What am I doing in Asia? They always come for us to go and drink in the club. What am I doing in Asia when all the people there are Yahoo Yahoo guys? What am I doing in Asia when I don’t even have the right to shoot my video on the street? When I put all these into consideration, I told them I was no longer interested in the contract.
They didn’t want me to go, they even gave me a contract to sign in Lagos but I told them till we get there. So they went mad and they wanted to find a way to keep me in Malaysia.
They tried to find a way to blackmail me, trying to use the press to dent my image because they were feeling bad. When I left there, I didn’t take my data, I left everything for them. They thought they were going to tie me down. Leaving that country surprised them because it wasn’t easy. If you came in illegally you have to be paying money every time. That is why you have a lot of Nigerians that are there.
How about your parents, where are they?
My mum is late but my dad is in Benue. He is a retired soldier.


Just watched this and i'm like '😱OMG'. Enjoy folks


Chris Brown & Wizkid Live On Stage Doing The Azonto Dance

Chris Brown bring out a surprise guest during his performance in nigeria, and does the Azonto dance
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VIDEO: Iyanya – Flavour

Here is the Official Video of Iyanya’s third single, Flavour. Lovely Video, you can also download.

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Sunday 23 December 2012


Make Your Man Happy in 20 Ways

You may share the perfect romance with your man.
But sometimes it takes more than just romantic gestures to keep him happy and interested.
While love is an experience shared between two lovers, your behavior around him can also impact his state of mind and the happiness of the relationship.
You may be a great lover.
But you also need to be a great companion to enjoy the pleasures of a happy romance.

How to make your man happy
First of all, being selfless and unconditional should never be one sided.
If you use these tips to make your man happy but his behavior borders on selfishness or he takes you for granted, you may have to talk to him about it or reevaluate the relationship for the sake of your own happiness.
Just use these 20 tips on how to make your man happy, and you’d definitely be playing your part in keeping the relationship happy down to the tee.
#1 Praise him in front of others. When the woman in his life shows her appreciation for him in front of others, he’ll be grateful and glad to have someone who supports him and stands by him.
#2 Make him feel secure. While men may have epic egos, they’re also extremely fragile when it comes to the matters of the heart. They feel threatened easily, and go into an insecure shell. Avoid making him feel insecure in the right way and he’ll love you more.
#3 Take the lead in bed. Experiment. Be willing to try new things with your partner. One of the biggest reasons why couples start getting bored in bed is because of the monotony and boredom of repetition. Keep things sexy and he’ll always be awed by you. [Read: Top 50 kinky things to do with your man]
#4 Motivate him in his endeavors. You can pick flaws in your man and his ideas, but don’t oppose it without rational judgment. Bring out the best in your man and help him *achieve his destiny* by motivating him and complimenting his achievements.
#5 Surprise him by buying something he really likes. Did you find something your man will really appreciate when you were out shopping alone? Pick it up for him. Surprise him now and then with little, thoughtful gifts and he’ll think he’s the luckiest guy in the world.
#6 Be a great cook. Food truly is the best way to a man’s heart. He may say he doesn’t care if you don’t know to cook, but try cooking him a fabulous dish and he’ll experience a gastronomical orgasm!
#7 Make him feel lucky to have you. Be a charmer and a graceful woman who’s the cynosure of everyone’s attention. Awe others wherever you are, and he’ll truly thank the one above to be with a woman who can take the air out of any room she walks into!
#8 Special gestures out of the blue. If you want to know how to make a man happy, the secret lies in not making special gestures a routine, but by being extra nice now and then. Men have a tendency of taking things for granted, so don’t turn your gestures into routine. [Read: 25 sweet romantic gestures for everyday life]
#9 Don’t forget your inner child. As you grow older, don’t forget the inner, happy fun child within you. Most women take on the role of a mother and forget to behave like a child now and then. Instead of feeling jealous or annoyed when your man acts like a child, join him and have fun!
#10 Make him think you need him. Men are the instinctive protectors. Make him feel like a man by making him believe you’re dependent on him. When he truly believes you need him, he’ll cling to you because it makes him feel good inside. [Read: Why men love a damsel in distress]
#11 Give him his space. Men are different from women when it comes to space. Most women are fine with having people around all the time. Men on the other hand, get annoyed when they don’t get some alone time by themselves. Give each other space, and you’ll see that love will blossom better. [Read: How to give space in a relationship]
#12 Support him when he’s down without criticizing him. An “I told you so” is ego shattering. When your man is down on the ground, don’t kick him in the groin. It may seem like the perfect time to criticize him and his bad decisions, but hold that thought. You’ll only make him hate himself and you.
#13 Ask his help now and then. All men think they’re intellectuals with exceptional problem solving abilities. As long as you’re listening to his opinion with your eyes wide, he’ll swell with pride and love.
#14 Get helpless in his arms when you’re hurt. Feeling down and helpless? Walk up to your man without saying a word and just hold him tight. Your man will be overwhelmed with love and affection, and not to mention, delirious happiness because he’s the one that makes you feel better.
#15 Look like a million bucks around him. Look sexy when you’re with him. Getting naked should still be a treat, not a regular occurrence around the house. Dress well and make sure eyes turn when you’re in his arms. [Read: How to look sexy without trying]
#16 Compliment him. Men love compliments, they just pretend like they don’t. Compliment your man for his physique and his intellect. He’ll be happy to know you notice.
#17 Don’t emasculate your man. Don’t shrivel your man’s ball bag by making him fell less like a man when he’s done something wrong. Don’t yell at him in public or put him down when he takes a few decisions. If you keep cutting him down from under, he’ll just end up looking for an affair to feel more like a man.
#18 Don’t hit him below the belt unless you really have to. Don’t bring up his exes, his mother or his lousy job when you’re trying to pick a fight with him or trying to hurt him for hurting you. [Read: The right way to fight fair in a relationship]
#19 Stand up for your man. If your man is cornered or helpless, step into the warzone and fight his fight for him. Don’t be surprised if you see your man’s eyes well up with happy tears for finding a woman as awesome as you.
#20 Respect him. All of us need respect. When you’re in love, it’s easy to talk stupid or put down your man in jest, but be careful where to draw the line. Never ridicule him or put him down in public. Let him know you respect him, even if you pull his leg now and then. [Read: How to think like a man and impress your guy]
Happiness in love comes from the inside, and unless both of you chose to be happy, no amount of gestures can make a difference.
So if you really want to be happy in the relationship, both of you have to make a conscious effort to fill the relationship with love and happiness.
But if you want to play your perfect part in keeping your man happy, these tips are all you need. [Read: How men really think about a relationship]
Now that you know these 20 tips on how to keep your man happy, try a few moves and watch your man’s eyes sparkle with happy delight in no time!