Tuesday 19 May 2015


Yesterday was one of the best days in my life. I'll never recover from it. I wanted you and I to remember it for as long as we both shall live. So I had a little chat with my mom about the circumstances surrounding my birth. She smiled and told me to sit down. Then she narrated what happened on that faithful day. And I thought I should also share it with the world. With you. This is my own little way of saying 'thank you' for the birthday wishes. Enjoy!

Years back in far away Ibadan, Nigeria, my mom was alone at home. Heavy with me inside her. Suddenly I started kicking and needed some fresh air. She tried calling for help from the last floor of the four story building where we lived but no one was around. No one heard her. No one came. She was way up there alone. She shouted and screamed as if I wanted to tear through. The pain she felt. The agony. What every woman goes through at that time. Then suddenly she made a decision that prove to me that she was every inch the strongest woman I've always believed her to be.

She sat on the bed and decided to bring me into this world alone. Wait! . . . What?!

Yes! She did. In her own words: "When I knew there was no one around and your rent in me had expired, I knew you were coming out and I had no choice than to do it all by myself. But the truth is that I wasn't alone. God was with me. So I told him to have control as lay back on the bed. There was no nurse to tell me to push but I had no choice. So I pushed. After God knows how long I pushed with excruciating pain, you came out. I would have died of heart attack when I saw you slip off and nearly fell to the ground. But suddenly a miracle happened. Somehow you got stuck at the edge of the bed. I don't know how it happened but I believe it was the hand of God that held you from falling. You just laid there and cried. I had to catch my breath and all the while I did, you were still stuck in that position. Held by God's mighty hands. I can't explain it but I felt angels and God in that room. The evidences were so clear. 

I wondered how my whole world would have been shattered before me within a split second if you had fallen. The pains of carrying you all those months. Denying myself of certain food and eating so many I never wanted to. Walking up and down the stairs everyday just to keep us healthy. The plans I already had for you as my son. My grand children I had dreamt of holding in future. No! I would have died if you did.

Looking at your umbilical cord, I had no idea what I was to do. But the Holy Spirit thought me. How I neatly cut and tied it still remains a mystery to me and to so many who later heard it. Because as at that time, I had delivered only your elder sister the nurses were responsible for cutting hers. So after I had cut it, I cleaned you up and started breast feeding you. The joy of seeing you alive and healthy was priceless".

Then she said something that struck me even more.

"My son, the day you were born wasn't only your birthday, it was the that you defeated death. God also opened my eyes to His sovereignty and awesomeness".

And then came her prayer.

"I pray for you today my son, because you did not die that day, you won't die until you're so very old. You won't die full, you will die empty. Your children's children will enjoy you (if Christ tarries). You will be wealthy beyond measure. Things may not be what you had envisioned it to be by this time of your life, but hang in there. A good product isn't done in a hurry. God is taking His time to prepare you to fit his plan perfectly.

Your father and I will also live and eat the fruits of our labor. Your wife will not only be a wife but a mother. She will build and create with you. And when it's time to reap and enjoy the fruits of your labor, you will do that together. I rebuke the devourers for your sake. Your store houses will be so full that you'll have no room to keep them. Any land your feet step upon, you shall posses as an inheritance. Breakthrough in your business is your portion. We decree and declare that you're bound to succeed. Blessed is he that blesses you and forever be cursed the one that curses you. You are blessed and not even the whole gates of hell can be able to stop a mother's blessings backed up biblically. The gates and windows of heaven have been open wider for you today. Go and prosper without boundaries in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!"

Cakes would come and be eaten. Parties will be held and soon forgotten. But this? This is eternal. I wouldn't have asked for a better birthday gift. This is all that matters. This is THE BEST birthday gift. Ever! This is it.

And for all those who sent in a birthday wish for me via facebook, BBM, Whatsapp, calls, SMS and emails, may God bless you more than you can imagine. A BIG thank you won't do, but it's from my heart. Thank you. And help me celebrate my mom. My queen and my hero.



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  3. Wow! I jaw almost dropped.... U r indeed a miracle. Thank God for ur life. May u fulfil ur days on earth. Hapi born day once again. Live for Christ everyday Jeff.
