Sunday 24 May 2015

God shouldn't be on your calendar.

I've been following some posts here on facebook for a while now and I've noticed something very striking. None of them ever spoke about God throughout the week the way they're going to speak about Him today. Why have we conditioned our minds to remember that we have bibles on Sundays. That our iPhones, iPads and blackberries have bibles on them only imOn Sundays? Why do we speak so much about God on Sundays but remember little or nothing of Him from Mondays to Saturdays? Why?

And to make matters worse, those who don't know anything about God will be the ones singing His praises the loudest. Bible portions will be quoted and interpreted. People will also use this time to preach to others so that they can see how good they are behind the pulpit.

Why do we drop and pick God whenever we like awhile He's always carrying us all the time? I bet some of us are already in church, "worshipping". Some don't even know what that word means. You think going to that beautiful building and raising your hands and closing your eyes while singing melodious song you scored during the week backed up by instruments is worship? Please! Worship is you personally relating with God. Worship should come first from within. Must be wait for Sunday to arrive before we set out our worship to God?

Preaching, quoting the bible word for word and praying on social networks doesn't make you a saint. Rather, living a life that will affect people positively should be our focus. I know so many people that spend time writing long speeches about love, politics and family but they have no clue about these things. 

Have you ever thought of the disappointment people would feel if they knew your true relationship with God and get to find out you just post stuff on your timeline to get likes and comments that makes you popular? That shouldn't be your motive. Sundays shouldn't be your "Gospel" day. If God remembers us like this, I wouldn't be living to write this and you wouldn't be living to read this either. Change starts with you and I.

God deserves our worship daily. That's the paramount reason why we're still alive. God should not be on our calendar where we choose the dates and times to see Him. He should be the calendar. Remain blessed and be a blessing. 


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