Sunday 24 May 2015

God shouldn't be on your calendar.

I've been following some posts here on facebook for a while now and I've noticed something very striking. None of them ever spoke about God throughout the week the way they're going to speak about Him today. Why have we conditioned our minds to remember that we have bibles on Sundays. That our iPhones, iPads and blackberries have bibles on them only imOn Sundays? Why do we speak so much about God on Sundays but remember little or nothing of Him from Mondays to Saturdays? Why?

And to make matters worse, those who don't know anything about God will be the ones singing His praises the loudest. Bible portions will be quoted and interpreted. People will also use this time to preach to others so that they can see how good they are behind the pulpit.

Why do we drop and pick God whenever we like awhile He's always carrying us all the time? I bet some of us are already in church, "worshipping". Some don't even know what that word means. You think going to that beautiful building and raising your hands and closing your eyes while singing melodious song you scored during the week backed up by instruments is worship? Please! Worship is you personally relating with God. Worship should come first from within. Must be wait for Sunday to arrive before we set out our worship to God?

Preaching, quoting the bible word for word and praying on social networks doesn't make you a saint. Rather, living a life that will affect people positively should be our focus. I know so many people that spend time writing long speeches about love, politics and family but they have no clue about these things. 

Have you ever thought of the disappointment people would feel if they knew your true relationship with God and get to find out you just post stuff on your timeline to get likes and comments that makes you popular? That shouldn't be your motive. Sundays shouldn't be your "Gospel" day. If God remembers us like this, I wouldn't be living to write this and you wouldn't be living to read this either. Change starts with you and I.

God deserves our worship daily. That's the paramount reason why we're still alive. God should not be on our calendar where we choose the dates and times to see Him. He should be the calendar. Remain blessed and be a blessing. 


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Tuesday 19 May 2015


Yesterday was one of the best days in my life. I'll never recover from it. I wanted you and I to remember it for as long as we both shall live. So I had a little chat with my mom about the circumstances surrounding my birth. She smiled and told me to sit down. Then she narrated what happened on that faithful day. And I thought I should also share it with the world. With you. This is my own little way of saying 'thank you' for the birthday wishes. Enjoy!

Years back in far away Ibadan, Nigeria, my mom was alone at home. Heavy with me inside her. Suddenly I started kicking and needed some fresh air. She tried calling for help from the last floor of the four story building where we lived but no one was around. No one heard her. No one came. She was way up there alone. She shouted and screamed as if I wanted to tear through. The pain she felt. The agony. What every woman goes through at that time. Then suddenly she made a decision that prove to me that she was every inch the strongest woman I've always believed her to be.

She sat on the bed and decided to bring me into this world alone. Wait! . . . What?!

Yes! She did. In her own words: "When I knew there was no one around and your rent in me had expired, I knew you were coming out and I had no choice than to do it all by myself. But the truth is that I wasn't alone. God was with me. So I told him to have control as lay back on the bed. There was no nurse to tell me to push but I had no choice. So I pushed. After God knows how long I pushed with excruciating pain, you came out. I would have died of heart attack when I saw you slip off and nearly fell to the ground. But suddenly a miracle happened. Somehow you got stuck at the edge of the bed. I don't know how it happened but I believe it was the hand of God that held you from falling. You just laid there and cried. I had to catch my breath and all the while I did, you were still stuck in that position. Held by God's mighty hands. I can't explain it but I felt angels and God in that room. The evidences were so clear. 

I wondered how my whole world would have been shattered before me within a split second if you had fallen. The pains of carrying you all those months. Denying myself of certain food and eating so many I never wanted to. Walking up and down the stairs everyday just to keep us healthy. The plans I already had for you as my son. My grand children I had dreamt of holding in future. No! I would have died if you did.

Looking at your umbilical cord, I had no idea what I was to do. But the Holy Spirit thought me. How I neatly cut and tied it still remains a mystery to me and to so many who later heard it. Because as at that time, I had delivered only your elder sister the nurses were responsible for cutting hers. So after I had cut it, I cleaned you up and started breast feeding you. The joy of seeing you alive and healthy was priceless".

Then she said something that struck me even more.

"My son, the day you were born wasn't only your birthday, it was the that you defeated death. God also opened my eyes to His sovereignty and awesomeness".

And then came her prayer.

"I pray for you today my son, because you did not die that day, you won't die until you're so very old. You won't die full, you will die empty. Your children's children will enjoy you (if Christ tarries). You will be wealthy beyond measure. Things may not be what you had envisioned it to be by this time of your life, but hang in there. A good product isn't done in a hurry. God is taking His time to prepare you to fit his plan perfectly.

Your father and I will also live and eat the fruits of our labor. Your wife will not only be a wife but a mother. She will build and create with you. And when it's time to reap and enjoy the fruits of your labor, you will do that together. I rebuke the devourers for your sake. Your store houses will be so full that you'll have no room to keep them. Any land your feet step upon, you shall posses as an inheritance. Breakthrough in your business is your portion. We decree and declare that you're bound to succeed. Blessed is he that blesses you and forever be cursed the one that curses you. You are blessed and not even the whole gates of hell can be able to stop a mother's blessings backed up biblically. The gates and windows of heaven have been open wider for you today. Go and prosper without boundaries in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!"

Cakes would come and be eaten. Parties will be held and soon forgotten. But this? This is eternal. I wouldn't have asked for a better birthday gift. This is all that matters. This is THE BEST birthday gift. Ever! This is it.

And for all those who sent in a birthday wish for me via facebook, BBM, Whatsapp, calls, SMS and emails, may God bless you more than you can imagine. A BIG thank you won't do, but it's from my heart. Thank you. And help me celebrate my mom. My queen and my hero.



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Thursday 7 May 2015


Former Military governor of old Anambra State, Col. Robert Akonobi (rtd), has pleaded with Igbo parents to reduce the bride price of their daughters so that ‘’our young boys can marry them.”

“To me, this topic (bride price) has been dealth with in the past by Ndigbo, who came out with a reduced bride price, to enable our young boys marry our young girls,” Akonobi said.

Akonobi also cautioned that men should study their proposed wives closely and longer before engaging into marriage because “once you marry, no one else can put it asunder.”

He spoke at the industrial city of Nnewi, Anambra State during the traditional wedding ceremony of the daughter of a business mogul, Chief Louis Onwugbenu, Onyinye and her husband, Bosah Chukwuogo, weekend.

Nnewi was agog as dignitaries from all works of life trooped to the residence of Chief Onwugbenu for the memorable event. The dignitaries who were from both the military, political and manufacturing circles, including Col Akonobi, Hon. Clement Nwankwu, former member of the House of Representatives; Chairmen and Chief Executive Officers of Gabros International Limited and Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing Limited, Chief Gabriel and Innocent Chukwuma respectively, among others.

The issue of high bride price was discussed extensively on the occasion. Hon. Nwankwu, in his own speech, prayed that Chief Onwugbenu and his wife would live long to enjoy the fruits of their children, especially those who married from outside their areas.

Also, speaking, Mrs. Onwugbenu expressed gratitude that her daughter’s hand was given out in marriage and prayed that her in-laws who came all the way from Awka to marry her daughter, would go back home safely. Father of the bride, Onwugbenu, in his own speech, said he had already blessed his daughter and her husband to go and make a good home.

On the bride price controversy in Igbo land, Onwugbenu declared:

“We do not charge money as bride price for someone to marry my daughter. To me, what is important is that my daughter should live in peace with her husband. Let her husband’s family members accept her as part and parcel of their family.”

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Sunday 3 May 2015

Mayweather may have won the fight but Pacquiao still remains the people's champion.

Brilliant first round by Mayweather. Controlled everything: centre of the ring, landed that dangerous right hand twice - the second time just buckling Pacman's legs a little, and ALSO was even setting traps to land a big right by drawing Manny in.

'Businessman' Floyd Mayweather can be admired but will never be loved, while Manny Pacquiao is sadly in decline - and Jamie Foxx should not be allowed to sign the national anthem again.

cal fighter, Mayweather did not need to throw more punches than Pacquiao by virtue of his supreme accuracy and impeccable right hand. The combinations that had worked for the Filipino against almost every one of his other 64 professional opponents tended to find clean air against the fleet-footed American. In rounds four and six, Pacquiao pinned Mayweather to the ropes with exhilarating bursts of shots, but his adversary reeled away, shaking his head. Sometimes a boxer can be bluffing by his insistence that he has not been hurt, but not on this occasion. This was a calculated masterclass.

Pacquiao never threatened to attack Mayweather with the sustained ferocity that has become his trademark. Perhaps the sixth-round knockout that he suffered at the hands of Juan Manuel Márquez in 2012 was a portent after all, for he looked a diminished force here, landing a slender fraction of his punches compared to his opponent. Trainer Freddie Roach had claimed that he needed to wage a perfect fight to stand any hope of victory, and this was far too flawed a performance to make that possible. He faded badly in the last five rounds as Mayweather, characteristically, identified his every weakness. He is a charming and endearing figure, but his subsequent argument that he won this contest did him scant credit.

Mayweather has consistently declared that his next fight – the concluding part of a six-bout contract with broadcasters Showtime – would be his last, and it is time to start believing him. While he confirmed here that he would be back in the ring in September, the 38-year-old is demonstrating little desire to eclipse Rocky Marciano’s record by going one further, and chasing a 50th win without defeat. In his 19-year career, he has spent 18 of them as world champion, and he appears desperate to protect those immaculate credentials. Mayweather is mindful of the fact that he is slowing, that his powers are waning, and grasps when it is time to stop. For Pacquiao, the most sensible course of action after this, his ultimate pay-day, would be to pursue a second term as congressman in the Philippines. His fighting career, sadly, has passed its zenith.

There were many bizarre rituals ahead of the opening bell. What possible reason, for example, was there for the Mexican national anthem to be played, besides the fact that the fight was sponsored by Tecate, a Mexican beer? This was far from the most egregious musical choice, however. That belonged to whoever decided to allow Jamie Foxx to sing *The Star Spangled Banner* in a discordant, barely listenable warble. Beyoncé, watching from ringside, must have found it excruciating. Foxx might have delivered an admirable star turn in the biopic of Ray Charles, but this was a case of celebrity tokenism gone mad.

Mayweather looked angry, hurt even, as he stared out at the crowd post-fight and was met largely by a chorus of boos. Even if he prevailed by unanimous decision, Pacquiao, smiling and endlessly effervescent, had been the overwhelming people’s choice – the favourite of 70 per cent of boxing fans to win, if you were believe some of the snap polls here in the MGM Grand. Mayweather will never command the love that he feels is his due – not with the domestic violence record that has proved so alienating, and nor with his obsession that money that prompted him to dedicate part of his victory speech to his watchmakers Hublot. A wonderful exponent of defensive ringcraft he may be, but he remains the sport’s most deeply divisive personality.

And did you notice Manny Pacquiao had an Organo T shirt on? I think I won't be wrong to say that he's from the Organo family. Gary G'eonariBrooks Petit-Frere and Leonie Msleo Resuma must be very proud of that. Congrats guys. 

If there's anything I've learnt from this fight is that it's not all about winning that matters. It's about the motive behind your winning that counts.

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Saturday 2 May 2015


Manny Pacquiao has assured his fans he will defeat long-time rival Floyd Mayweather on Saturday and convert him [Mayweather] into Christianity after the bout.

The Filipino boxer disclosed this during his final press conference at the MGM grand hotel in Las Vegas ahead of their $300 million mega-fight.

Speaking to a cross section of journalists gathered at the hotel, the one-time congressman thanked his fans for their support and assured them a good show come Saturday.

“I will like to invite everyone to come and witness this big fight. It’s going to be a good fight. For this fight on Saturday, my goal is to give our fans all the enjoyment they deserve. On Saturday, both of us, Floyd and I have been working hard to entertain you. This is nothing personal,” Manny Pacquiao noted.

He further assured everyone he was prepared for the upcoming bout at the MGM Grand and revealed he was planning to convert Floyd Mayweather into Christianity after the bout.

“But the most important thing is that, I am hoping that after the fight I can have a conversation with Floyd sharing my faith about God and how to believe in him so he can inspire those children who are looking to support us,” he said.

Pacquiao went on to attribute his success in boxing to God and urged his numerous fans to take inspiration from his upcoming bout with Floyd Mayweather.

“Before I became I boxer I used to sleep in the streets, hungry and now I cannot imagine the Lord has raised me in this position and blessed me with blessings I cannot imagine. I just want you to know that, everything I have accomplished is God who gave me the strength. I just want to be an example and inspiration to everybody,” Pacquiao said.

He is hoping to become the first boxer to defeat Maywether who is hasn’t tasted defeat since his controversial loss to Bulgarian Serafim Todorov at Atlanta 1996.

Mayweather’s fight against Pacquiao is expected to be the richest in the history of boxing and they will walk away with about £200m between them.

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Thursday 2 April 2015


THE LAST LAUGH - The Birth of The Father of Modern Nigeria Democracy!
General Buhari contested elections three times before now and he lost. Blood were shed on the streets and lives were loss because of those defeats. Goodluck Jonathan had only lost once in an election he could had swayed in his favour, having all the machinery of the Commander-in-Chief at his disposal, yet hours to the official announcements of the final results he conceded victory and congratulated the man who always threw childish tantrum whenever he loses an election.

Goodluck Jonathan is undoubtedly THE FATHER OF MODERN NIGERIA DEMOCRACY. He had shamed President Barack Obama and his uncouth Foreign Secretaries who had in more ways and in many fora than one embarrassed and insulted Nigeria on account of his signing of the Anti-Same Sex Marriage Bill into Law. He had shamed BBC, the propaganda mouthpiece of Britain's Life Dictator, Her Imperial Majesty the Queen, and indeed the United Kingdom and all those Nations who wished Africa nothing but ill. He had shamed the OLD and SELFISH crooks of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo, Ibrahim Babagida, Ahmed Tinubu, and all their cohorts who had over the years been parasites on our collective till. He had shamed Governor Chibuike Amaechi who can NEVER ACHIEVE what Jonathan had accomplished. He had shamed General Buhari and taught him what a true democrat is. I SALUTE you sir. The victory is yours


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Monday 9 March 2015

Sam Simon, (The Simpsons), Goes Home

Sam Simon, a creative force for multiple TV shows, including his role as co-developer of The Simpsons, has died after a three-year struggle with colon cancer. He was 59.

Simon began his career by writing for animated comedies, including Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids and Mighty Mouse, before teaming up with James L. Brooks on Taxi, the Emmy-winning sitcom starring Judd Hirsch and Danny DeVito, from 1981 to 1983. He was a writer and producer for Cheers, and went on to contribute to a handful of other shows, including It’s Garry Shandling’s Show and The Tracy Ullman Show, which reunited him with Brooks and led to The Simpsons in 1989.

“He was a genius and a great humanitarian in ways public and private. I personally owe him more than can be repaid, but I will do my best to help every animal I can in his memory,” said Simpsons executive producer Al Jean.

Though Simon retained an executive producer title, he left The Simpsons after four tumultuous seasons in which he sparred with Matt Groening over matters big and small, profound and petty. But Simon is credited with building the Hall-of-Fame caliber writers room that helped define Springfield in the show’s early years, and many of the town’s most notable citizens—Mr. Burns, Dr. Hibbert, Chief Wiggum—were shaped in form or personality by his sensibility. “I think the unsung hero has always been Sam,” Brad Bird said in the Simpsons’ unauthorized history written by John Ortved. “I was in the room when he took some pretty mediocre scripts and just sat there in his chair, with all the writers in the room and a cigar, and went through it, line by line. He would get people to pitch lines, but nine times out of 10, he came up with the best line.” 

Simon later helped shape The George Carlin Show and The Drew Carrey Show, among others. His negotiated exit from The Simpsons in 1993 made him extremely wealthy, and he founded the Sam Simon Foundation, an organization that trains dogs to help people who are disabled. The foundation announced Simon’s death on its Facebook pageMonday afternoon with a promise to continue honoring him: “We all miss him, and in his honor, we will continue bringing his vision to light through our work at the Sam Simon Foundation.”

Tuesday 13 January 2015


Do you fume when someone cuts you off in traffic? Does your blood pressure rocket when someone refuses to cooperate? Anger is a normal and even healthy emotion — but it's important to deal with it in a positive way. Uncontrolled anger can take a toll on both your health and your relationships. Follow these tips and put your anger under control.

1. Think before you speak

In the heat of the moment, it's easy to say something you'll later regret. Take a few moments to collect your thoughts before saying anything — and allow others involved in the situation to do the same.

2. Once you're calm, express your anger

As soon as you're thinking clearly, express your frustration in an assertive but nonconfrontational way. State your concerns and needs clearly and directly, without hurting others or trying to control them.

3. Get some exercise

Physical activity can help reduce stress that can cause you to become angry. If you feel your anger escalating, go for a brisk walk or run, or spend some time doing other enjoyable physical activities.

4. Take a timeout

Timeouts aren't just for kids. Give yourself short breaks during times of the day that tend to be stressful. A few moments of quiet time might help you feel better prepared to handle what's ahead without getting irritated or angry.

5. Identify possible solutions

Instead of focusing on what made you mad, work on resolving the issue at hand. Is your partner late for dinner every night? Schedule meals later in the evening — or agree to eat on your own a few times a week. Remind yourself that anger won't fix anything and might only make it worse

To avoid criticizing or placing blame — which might only increase tension — use "I" statements to describe the problem. Be respectful and specific. For example, say, "I'm upset that you left the table without offering to help with the dishes," instead of, "You never do any housework."

7. Don't hold a grudge

Forgiveness is a powerful tool. If you allow anger and other negative feelings to crowd out positive feelings, you might find yourself swallowed up by your own bitterness or sense of injustice. But if you can forgive someone who angered you, you might both learn from the situation. It's unrealistic to expect everyone to behave exactly as you want at all times.

8. Use humor to release tension

Lightening up can help diffuse tension. Use humor to help you face what's making you angry and, possibly, any unrealistic expectations you have for how things should go. Avoid sarcasm, though — it can hurt feelings and make things worse.

9. Practice relaxation skills

When your temper flares, put relaxation skills to work. Practice deep-breathing exercises, imagine a relaxing scene, or repeat a calming word or phrase, such as, "Take it easy." You might also listen to music, write in a journal — whatever it takes to encourage relaxation.

10. Know when to seek help

Learning to control anger is a challenge for everyone at times. Consider seeking help for anger issues if your anger seems out of control, causes you to do things you regret or hurts those around you.


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