Friday 10 October 2014


There are many things in this life, that can steal our JOY. Some of them are as follows:
·         - Sickness
·         - The loss of a loved one
·         - Financial lack
·         - Betrayal
·         - Rejection etc. 

It's our choice on the other hand, as to what we make out of these circumstances. We can decide, either to allow these circumstances to steal our JOY or we can choose to be JOYFUL. Thomas S. Monson once said "Find Joy in your Journey." As   ridiculous as that may sound, with GODS UNSPEAKABLE JOY, we not only will find JOY in our journey but also enjoy the journey.

Despite all the enemy has tried to destroy you, just know that GOD’S UNSPEAKABLE JOY awaits you. GOD Bless your Journey!

Forwarded by Glenn

Thanks Glenn

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