Sunday 21 July 2013


The Costa Rican Variable Harlequin Toad is also known as the Clown Frog

A crocodile can't stick its tongue out.

A shrimp's heart is in its head.

It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.


A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.


More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call.


Horses can't vomit.


The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister
in the English language.


If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to suppress a sneeze,
you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die. If you keep your eyes open by force, they can pop out.


Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants.

Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700

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